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There are 12 words containing ORALE

MORALEmorale n. The capacity of people to maintain belief in an institution or a goal, or even in oneself and others.
MORALE n. the state of the spirits of an individual or group.
CHORALEchorale n. (Christianity) A form of Lutheran or Protestant hymn tune.
chorale n. (Music, religion) A chorus or choir.
CHORALE n. a simple harmonized composition with slow rhythm; a psalm or hymn tune, also CHORAL.
MORALESmorales n. Plural of morale.
Morales prop.n. A town in the Bolívar Department, Colombia.
Morales prop.n. A town in the Cauca Department, Colombia.
CHORALESchorales n. Plural of chorale.
CHORALE n. a simple harmonized composition with slow rhythm; a psalm or hymn tune, also CHORAL.
PSORALEApsoralea n. Any of the plants of the genus Psoralea.
Psoralea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – plants including prairie turnip, babchi, and certain tumbleweeds.
PSORALEA n. a plant of the bean family.
PSORALENpsoralen n. (Medicine) Any of a group of furanocoumarins, from the seeds of various plants, that are used to treat…
PSORALEN n. a drug used to treat psoriasis.
CORPORALEcorporale n. Alternative form of corporal (communion cloth).
CORPORALE n. a white cloth on which Communion bread and wine are placed, also CORPORAL, CORPORAS.
PASTORALEpastorale n. A play or a musical product which has a pastoral subject.
pastorale n. An artwork that is suggestive of pastoral themes.
pastorale n. One of the figures of a quadrille.
PSORALEASpsoraleas n. Plural of psoralea.
PSORALEA n. a plant of the bean family.
PSORALENSpsoralens n. Plural of psoralen.
PSORALEN n. a drug used to treat psoriasis.
CORPORALEScorporales n. Plural of corporale.
CORPORALE n. a white cloth on which Communion bread and wine are placed, also CORPORAL, CORPORAS.
PASTORALESpastorales n. Plural of pastorale.
PASTORALE n. (Italian) a composition in a soft, rural style, generally in 6-8 or 12-8 time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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