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There are 7 words containing ORADO

COLORADOcolorado n. A cigar of medium color and strength.
colorado n. A fish of the species Lutjanus colorado, the Colorado snapper.
Colorado prop.n. A major river of western North America, running from the Rocky Mountains in the United States to the…
DORADOdorado n. Coryphaena hippurus, the mahi-mahi or dolphin, a species of fish with a dorsal fin that runs the length…
Dorado prop.n. (Astronomy) A small constellation of the southern sky, said to resemble a goldfish or swordfish. It…
DORADO n. (Spanish) a large edible marine fish, aka coryphene.
DORADOSdorados n. Plural of dorado.
DORADO n. (Spanish) a large edible marine fish, aka coryphene.
ELDORADOEldorado prop.n. The name of many places in many countries (see also El Dorado), including…
El␣Dorado prop.n. A Muisca tribal chief who covered himself in gold dust.
El␣Dorado prop.n. A legendary lost city of gold.
ELDORADOSELDORADO n. a place of fabulous riches.
ENAMORADOenamorado n. (Dated) A lover; a person in love.
Enamorado prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
ENAMORADO n. (obsolete) a lover.
ENAMORADOSEnamorados prop.n. Plural of Enamorado.
ENAMORADO n. (obsolete) a lover.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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