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There are 15 words containing OPENS

OPENSopens n. Plural of open.
opens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of open.
OPEN v. to cause to become open.
COPENSCopens prop.n. Plural of Copen.
COPEN n. a strong light blue colour.
REOPENSreopens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reopen.
REOPEN v. to open again.
AUTOPENSautopens n. Plural of autopen.
AUTOPEN n. a mechanical device used to produce imitation signatures.
OPENSIDEopenside n. (Rugby) The space on the side of the pitch with the larger distance between the breakdown/set piece and the touchline.
openside n. (Rugby union) Short for openside flanker.
open-side n. (Rugby) the portion of the field which is larger as measured from a scrum or breakdown to the touchline.
PROPENSEpropense adj. (Archaic) Leaning toward, in a moral sense; inclined; disposed; prone.
PROPENSE adj. (obsolete) inclined.
OPENSIDESopensides n. Plural of openside.
open-sides n. Plural of open-side.
OPENSIDE n. a rugby player who plays on the open side of a scrum.
PROPENSELYpropensely adv. In a propense manner.
PROPENSE adv. (obsolete) inclined.
PROPENSIONpropension n. (Archaic) Propensity.
PROPENSION n. (Shakespeare) inclination, propensity.
PROPENSITYpropensity n. An inclination, disposition, tendency, preference, or attraction.
PROPENSITY n. an often intense natural inclination or preference.
PROPENSIVEpropensive adj. Having or relating to a propensity toward something.
PROPENSIVE adj. (obsolete) inclined.
PROPENSIONSpropensions n. Plural of propension.
PROPENSION n. (Shakespeare) inclination, propensity.
PROPENSENESSpropenseness n. Alternative form of propensenesse.
PROPENSENESS n. the state of being propense.
PROPENSITIESpropensities n. Plural of propensity.
PROPENSITY n. an often intense natural inclination or preference.
PROPENSENESSESPROPENSENESS n. the state of being propense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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