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There are 16 words containing OPENE

EYEOPENEReyeopener n. Alternative form of eye-opener.
eye-opener n. (Literally) Something that causes the eyes to open, or that opens the eyes.
eye-opener n. (Informal) Something that provides a sudden insight, or makes something clear that was previously mysterious.
EYEOPENERSeyeopeners n. Plural of eyeopener.
eye-openers n. Plural of eye-opener.
eye␣openers n. Plural of eye opener.
LYCOPENElycopene n. (Organic chemistry) A red carotenoid pigment found in tomatoes, other red vegetables, and in animal…
LYCOPENE n. a red pigment.
LYCOPENESlycopenes n. Plural of lycopene.
LYCOPENE n. a red pigment.
OPENEDopened v. Simple past tense and past participle of open.
OPEN v. to cause to become open.
OPENERopener n. A person who opens something.
opener n. A device that opens something; specifically a tin-opener/can-opener, or a bottle opener.
opener n. (In combination) An establishment that opens.
OPENERSopeners n. Plural of opener.
OPENER n. one that opens.
OPENESTopenest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of open.
OPEN adj. affording unobstructed access, passage, or view.
POLYPROPENEpolypropene n. (Organic chemistry) Alternative form of polypropylene.
POLYPROPENE n. any of various thermoplastic plastics or fibers that are polymers of propylene, also POLYPROPYLENE.
POLYPROPENESpolypropenes n. Plural of polypropene.
POLYPROPENE n. any of various thermoplastic plastics or fibers that are polymers of propylene, also POLYPROPYLENE.
PROPENEpropene n. (Organic chemistry, official IUPAC name) The organic chemical compound propylene. An alkene which is…
PROPENE n. a flammable gas.
PROPENESpropenes n. Plural of propene.
PROPENE n. a flammable gas.
REOPENEDreopened v. Past participle of reopen.
REOPEN v. to open again.
REOPENERreopener n. Anything that reopens.
REOPENER n. a clause in a contract for reconsideration.
REOPENERSreopeners n. Plural of reopener.
REOPENER n. a clause in a contract for reconsideration.
UNOPENEDunopened adj. Not yet opened; still closed.
UNOPENED adj. not opened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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