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There are 11 words containing OPATE

SCOPATEscopate adj. (Zoology) Having the surface closely covered with hairs, like a brush.
SCOPATE adj. tufted, brushlike.
APOCOPATEapocopate adj. Shortened by apocope; lacking a final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics) To shorten using apocope; to remove the final sound or syllable.
apocopate v. (Linguistics, intransitive) To undergo apocope.
SYNCOPATEsyncopate v. (Transitive, linguistics, phonology) to omit a vocalic or consonantal sound or a syllable from a word; to use syncope.
syncopate v. (Transitive, music) to stress or accentuate the weak beat of a rhythm; to use syncopation.
SYNCOPATE v. to shorten a word by cutting out its middle.
APOCOPATEDapocopated v. Simple past tense and past participle of apocopate.
APOCOPATE v. to cut off the end of a word.
APOCOPATESapocopates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apocopate.
APOCOPATE v. to cut off the end of a word.
EPISCOPATEepiscopate n. Bishops seen as a group.
episcopate n. The tenure in office of a bishop.
episcopate n. (Rare) A bishop’s jurisdiction, the extent of his diocese.
SYNCOPATEDsyncopated adj. (Grammar) of a word, shortened by syncope.
syncopated adj. (Music) of a rhythm, modified by syncopation.
syncopated v. Simple past tense and past participle of syncopate.
SYNCOPATESsyncopates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of syncopate.
SYNCOPATE v. to shorten a word by cutting out its middle.
EPISCOPATEDepiscopated v. Simple past tense and past participle of episcopate.
EPISCOPATE v. to act as a bishop.
EPISCOPATESepiscopates n. Plural of episcopate.
EPISCOPATE n. a bishopric; the office and dignity of a bishop.
ARCHIEPISCOPATEarchiepiscopate n. (Ecclesiastical) an archbishopric.
ARCHIEPISCOPATE n. the rank or province of an archbishop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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