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There are 15 words containing OONIS

MOONISHmoonish adj. Like or resembling the moon.
moonish adj. Influenced by the moon.
moonish adj. Variable as the moon; fickle; flighty; capricious.
SOONISHsoonish adv. Some time in the not so distant but not yet definable future.
SOONISH adj. somewhat soon.
BABOONISHbaboonish adj. Like a baboon.
BABOONISH adj. like a baboon.
MOONISHLYmoonishly adv. In a moonish manner.
MOONISH adv. like the moon; variable.
BALLOONISTballoonist n. A person who flies in balloons, especially in hot-air balloons.
BALLOONIST n. a person who operates or rides in a balloon.
BASSOONISTbassoonist n. A person who plays the bassoon, a musical instrument in the woodwind family.
BASSOONIST n. a performer on the bassoon.
BUFFOONISHbuffoonish adj. Characteristic of a buffoon.
BUFFOONISH adj. like a buffoon.
CARTOONISHcartoonish adj. Exaggerated or caricatured, in the manner of a cartoon.
CARTOONISH adj. like a cartoon.
CARTOONISTcartoonist n. (Comics) One who creates a cartoon or strip cartoon.
cartoonist n. (Comics) One who both writes and illustrates comic books or graphic novels.
CARTOONIST n. one who draws cartoons.
LAMPOONISTlampoonist n. One who lampoons.
LAMPOONIST n. one who composes lampoons.
BALLOONISTSballoonists n. Plural of balloonist.
BALLOONIST n. a person who operates or rides in a balloon.
BASSOONISTSbassoonists n. Plural of bassoonist.
BASSOONIST n. a performer on the bassoon.
CARTOONISTScartoonists n. Plural of cartoonist.
CARTOONIST n. one who draws cartoons.
LAMPOONISTSlampoonists n. Plural of lampoonist.
LAMPOONIST n. one who composes lampoons.
CARTOONISHLYcartoonishly adv. In a cartoonish manner; thus, in a comical or exaggerated way.
CARTOONISH adv. like a cartoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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