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There are 11 words containing OOGEN

OOGENYoogeny n. Oogenesis.
OOGENY n. the development of ova.
ZOOGENYzoogeny n. (Zoology) The doctrine of the formation of living beings.
zoögeny n. (Zoology) Alternative spelling of zoogeny.
ZOOGENY n. the doctrine of the beginning of beings, also ZOOGONY.
OOGENIESOOGENY n. the development of ova.
ZOOGENICzoogenic adj. Originating in, or produced by, animals rather than plants.
ZOOGENIC adj. produced from animals.
OOGENESESoogeneses n. Plural of oogenesis.
OOGENESIS n. the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum, also OOGENY.
OOGENESISoogenesis n. (Biology) The formation and development of an oocyte or ovum.
oögenesis n. Alternative spelling of oogenesis.
OOGENESIS n. the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum, also OOGENY.
OOGENETICoogenetic adj. Of or pertaining to oogenesis.
oögenetic adj. Alternative spelling of oogenetic.
OOGENETIC adj. relating to oogenesis, the enlargement and meiosis of an oogonium that produces an ovum.
ZOOGENIESZOOGENY n. the doctrine of the beginning of beings, also ZOOGONY.
ZOOGENOUSzoogenous adj. Zoogenic.
ZOOGENOUS adj. originating in animals.
NOOGENESESNOOGENESIS n. evolution of the mind.
NOOGENESISNOOGENESIS n. evolution of the mind.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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