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There are 15 words containing ONWOR

IRONWORKironwork n. (Uncountable) Anything made wholly or largely of iron, especially when used for decoration.
ironwork n. (Countable, dated) An ironworks.
IRONWORK n. objects made of iron.
IRONWORKERironworker n. A person employed to manufacture and shape iron.
ironworker n. A construction worker who assembles the metal frame of buildings.
IRONWORKER n. one who works in iron.
IRONWORKERSironworkers n. Plural of ironworker.
IRONWORKER n. one who works in iron.
IRONWORKSironworks n. Plural of ironwork.
ironworks n. A factory in which iron is manufactured or iron goods are made.
IRONWORK n. objects made of iron.
MOONWORTmoonwort n. A small fern, Botrychium lunaria (lesser moonwort); later, any member of the genus.
moonwort n. (Now US, UK regional) Lunaria annua (greater moonwort); also known as Honesty and Actual Honesty.
MOONWORT n. the plant honesty (from its silvery septum).
MOONWORTSmoonworts n. Plural of moonwort.
MOONWORT n. the plant honesty (from its silvery septum).
NONWORDnonword n. Alternative spelling of non-word.
non-word n. Any sequence of sounds or letters which is not considered to be a word.
NONWORD n. a word that has no meaning.
NONWORDSnonwords n. Plural of nonword.
non-words n. Plural of non-word.
NONWORD n. a word that has no meaning.
NONWORKnonwork n. (Uncountable) That which is not work (employment or occupation).
nonwork n. (Countable) That which is not a work (creation).
non-work n. Alternative form of nonwork.
NONWORKERnonworker n. One who does not work.
NONWORKER n. someone who is not a worker.
NONWORKERSnonworkers n. Plural of nonworker.
NONWORKER n. someone who is not a worker.
NONWORKINGnonworking adj. That does not work or function.
nonworking adj. Not employed.
NONWORKING adj. not working.
NONWORKSnonworks n. Plural of nonwork.
non-works n. Plural of non-work.
NONWORK n. that part of life which does not involve work.
SPOONWORMspoonworm n. Any of the class Echiura of annelid marine worms.
spoon␣worm n. Synonym of echiuran.
SPOONWORM n. a marine invertebrate of the phylum Echiura with a spoon-like mouthpiece.
SPOONWORMSspoonworms n. Plural of spoonworm.
spoon␣worms n. Plural of spoon worm.
SPOONWORM n. a marine invertebrate of the phylum Echiura with a spoon-like mouthpiece.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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