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There are 14 words containing ONTRE

MONTREmontre n. An organ stop, usually the open diapason, having its pipes on display as part of the organ case, or…
montre n. A hole in the wall of a pottery kiln, by which the state of the pieces inside can be judged.
MONTRE n. (French) the visible pipes of an organ.
MONTRESmontres n. Plural of montre.
MONTRE n. (French) the visible pipes of an organ.
RENCONTRErencontre n. (Now rare) A chance or unexpected meeting or encounter.
RENCONTRE v. (French) to encounter or meet, esp. under negative circumstances.
CONTRECOUPcontrecoup n. (Pathology) A bruising of the brain caused by a blow, appearing on the opposite side to that on which…
CONTRECOUP n. (French) an injury, esp. to the brain within the skull, resulting from a blow on the side opposite to it.
RENCONTREDRENCONTRE v. (French) to encounter or meet, esp. under negative circumstances.
RENCONTRESrencontres n. Plural of rencontre.
RENCONTRE v. (French) to encounter or meet, esp. under negative circumstances.
CONTRECOUPScontrecoups n. Plural of contrecoup.
CONTRECOUP n. (French) an injury, esp. to the brain within the skull, resulting from a blow on the side opposite to it.
CONTREDANCEcontredance n. Alternative spelling of contra dance.
CONTREDANCE n. a country dance, esp. a French version of the English country dance, also CONTRADANCE, CONTREDANSE.
CONTREDANSEcontredanse n. A folk dance in which two lines of couples face each other.
contredanse n. The quadrille.
contredanse n. A piece of music in the rhythm of such a dance.
CONTRETEMPScontretemps n. An unforeseen, inopportune, or embarrassing event.
contretemps n. (Fencing) An ill-timed pass.
CONTRETEMPS n. (French) an embarrassing occurrence; a mishap.
CONTREDANCEScontredances n. Plural of contredance.
CONTREDANCE n. a country dance, esp. a French version of the English country dance, also CONTRADANCE, CONTREDANSE.
CONTREDANSEScontredanses n. Plural of contredanse.
CONTREDANSE n. (French) a folk dance in which two lines of couples face each other, also CONTRADANCE, CONTREDANCE.
NONTREATMENTnontreatment n. Lack or absence of medical treatment.
NONTREATMENT n. absence of treatment.
NONTREATMENTSnontreatments n. Plural of nontreatment.
NONTREATMENT n. absence of treatment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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