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There are 11 words containing ONOSO

GONOSOMEgonosome n. (Zoology) The reproductive zooids of a hydroid colony, collectively.
gonosome n. A synonym for sex chromosome.
GONOSOME n. the group of individuals in a colony who reproduce.
MONOSOMEmonosome n. The chromosome whose homologous counterpart is missing in monosomy.
MONOSOME n. an unpaired chromosome.
MONOSOMYmonosomy n. A genetic disorder with the presence of only one chromosome (instead of the typical two in humans) from a pair.
MONOSOMY n. a condition of having one unpaired chromosome.
GONOSOMESgonosomes n. Plural of gonosome.
GONOSOME n. the group of individuals in a colony who reproduce.
IONOSONDEionosonde n. A radar for the examination of the ionosphere.
IONOSONDE n. an instrument for measuring ionization.
MONOSOMESmonosomes n. Plural of monosome.
MONOSOME n. an unpaired chromosome.
MONOSOMICmonosomic adj. Relating to a monosome.
monosomic n. An individual that possesses a monosome.
MONOSOMIC adj. relating to a monosome, an unpaired chromosome.
IONOSONDESionosondes n. Plural of ionosonde.
IONOSONDE n. an instrument for measuring ionization.
MONOSODIUMmonosodium n. (Chemistry, in combination) one atom of sodium in a compound.
MONOSODIUM adj. as in monosodium glutamate, a white crystalline salt which brings out the flavour of meat, widely used as an additive in the food industry.
MONOSOMICSmonosomics n. Plural of monosomic.
MONOSOMIC n. a monosomic individual or variety.
MONOSOMIESmonosomies n. Plural of monosomy.
MONOSOMY n. a condition of having one unpaired chromosome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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