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There are 17 words containing ONNOT

DONNOTdonnot n. (Northern England, Scotland) Alternative form of do-naught.
DONNOT n. (dialect) an idler, also DONNAT.
CONNOTEconnote v. (Transitive) To signify beyond its literal or principal meaning.
connote v. (Transitive) To possess an inseparable related condition; to imply as a logical consequence.
connote v. (Intransitive) To express without overt reference; to imply.
DONNOTSdonnots n. Plural of donnot.
DONNOT n. (dialect) an idler, also DONNAT.
CONNOTEDconnoted v. Simple past tense and past participle of connote.
CONNOTE v. to imply another meaning other than the literal one.
CONNOTESconnotes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connote.
CONNOTE v. to imply another meaning other than the literal one.
CONNOTATEconnotate v. To connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional or representative; to imply.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONNOTINGconnoting v. Present participle of connote.
CONNOTE v. to imply another meaning other than the literal one.
CONNOTIVEconnotive adj. Synonym of connotative.
CONNOTIVE adj. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTATIVE.
CONNOTATEDconnotated v. Simple past tense and past participle of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONNOTATESconnotates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONNOTATINGconnotating v. Present participle of connotate.
CONNOTATE v. to connote; to suggest or designate (something) as additional.
CONNOTATIONconnotation n. (Semantics) A meaning of a word or phrase that is suggested or implied, as opposed to a denotation…
connotation n. (Logic) The attribute or aggregate of attributes connoted by a term, contrasted with denotation.
CONNOTATION n. the act of connoting.
CONNOTATIVEconnotative adj. That implies or suggests something else.
CONNOTATIVE adj. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTIVE.
CONNOTIVELYCONNOTIVE adv. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTATIVE.
CONNOTATIONSconnotations n. Plural of connotation.
CONNOTATION n. the act of connoting.
CONNOTATIONALconnotational adj. Of or pertaining to connotation.
CONNOTATIONAL adj. relating to connotation.
CONNOTATIVELYconnotatively adv. In a way that connotes.
CONNOTATIVE adv. signifying or suggesting ideas, also CONNOTIVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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