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There are 12 words containing ONIDE

OZONIDEozonide n. (Chemistry) the univalent anion, O3-, derived from ozone.
ozonide n. (Chemistry) any dark red salt of this anion and a metal.
ozonide n. (Chemistry) any of a number of explosive organic compounds containing a -O-O-O- group.
NONIDEALnonideal adj. Not ideal.
NONIDEAL adj. not ideal.
OZONIDESozonides n. Plural of ozonide.
OZONIDE n. a compound of ozone.
ANTIMONIDEantimonide n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any compound of antimony with more electropositive elements.
ANTIMONIDE n. a binary compound with antimony as one of its constituents.
NONIDEALLYnonideally adv. In a nonideal manner; not ideally.
ANTIMONIDESantimonides n. Plural of antimonide.
ANTIMONIDE n. a binary compound with antimony as one of its constituents.
GLUCURONIDEglucuronide n. (Biochemistry) Any of various derivatives of glucuronic acid formed during the metabolism of phenols…
GLUCURONIDE n. any of various derivatives of glucuronic acid.
NONIDENTITYnonidentity n. Difference, distinction; failure to be identical.
nonidentity n. (Mathematics) An operator which modifies its operand, and which therefore is not the identity.
NONIDENTITY n. something that is not an identity.
GLUCURONIDESglucuronides n. Plural of glucuronide.
GLUCURONIDE n. any of various derivatives of glucuronic acid.
NONIDENTICALnonidentical adj. Not identical; different in some respect.
nonidentical n. A twin other than an identical twin.
non-identical adj. Alternative form of nonidentical.
NONIDENTITIESnonidentities n. Plural of nonidentity.
NONIDENTITY n. something that is not an identity.
NONIDEOLOGICALnonideological adj. Unaffiliated with or unrelated to ideology.
NONIDEOLOGICAL adj. not ideological.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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