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There are 18 words containing ONEIR

ONEIRIConeiric adj. Of or pertaining to dreams.
oneiric adj. Resembling a dream; dreamlike.
ONEIRIC adj. belonging to dreams, also ONIRIC.
ONEIROLOGYoneirology n. The study of dreams and their interpretation.
ONEIROLOGY n. the study of dreams.
ONEIRICALLYoneirically adv. In an oneiric fashion.
ONEIRIC adv. belonging to dreams, also ONIRIC.
ONEIRODYNIAoneirodynia n. A violent or disturbed imagination during sleep, as in the case of nightmares and sleepwalking.
ONEIRODYNIA n. a nightmare.
ONEIROMANCYoneiromancy n. (Uncountable, divination) Divination by the interpretation of dreams.
oneiromancy n. (Uncountable, in a weak sense) The interpretation of dreams.
oneiromancy n. (Countable, divination) An act of such divination or dream-interpretation.
ONEIROSCOPYoneiroscopy n. The interpretation of dreams.
ONEIROSCOPY n. judging a dream.
ONEIROCRITIConeirocritic n. An interpreter of dreams.
oneirocritic adj. Of or relating to the interpretation of dreams.
ONEIROCRITIC n. one who interprets dreams.
ONEIROLOGIESoneirologies n. Plural of oneirology.
ONEIROLOGY n. the study of dreams.
ONEIROMANCERoneiromancer n. One who practises oneiromancy.
ONEIROMANCER n. one who practises oneiromancy, divination by dreams.
ONEIROCRITICSoneirocritics n. Plural of oneirocritic.
oneirocritics n. The art of interpreting dreams; oneirocriticism.
ONEIROCRITIC n. one who interprets dreams.
ONEIROMANCERSoneiromancers n. Plural of oneiromancer.
ONEIROMANCER n. one who practises oneiromancy, divination by dreams.
ONEIROMANCIESoneiromancies n. Plural of oneiromancy.
oneiromancies n. (Obsolete) plural of oneiromancie.
ONEIROMANCY n. the practice of predicting the future by interpreting dreams.
ONEIROSCOPISToneiroscopist n. One who interprets dreams.
ONEIROSCOPIST n. one who practises oneiroscopy.
ONEIROCRITICALoneirocritical adj. Of or relating to the interpretation of dreams.
ONEIROCRITICAL adj. of, relating to or specializing in the interpretation of dreams.
ONEIROSCOPISTSoneiroscopists n. Plural of oneiroscopist.
ONEIROSCOPIST n. one who practises oneiroscopy.
ONEIROCRITICISMoneirocriticism n. The art of interpreting dreams.
ONEIROCRITICISM n. dream interpretation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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