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There are 20 words containing ONDOL

CONDOLEcondole v. (Intransitive) To express sympathetic sorrow; to lament in sympathy (with someone on something).
condole v. (Transitive) To condole with (someone).
condole v. (Transitive) To say in an expression of sympathy.
GONDOLAgondola n. A small long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, propelled with a single oar, especially in Venice.
gondola n. A hanging platform or car for transporting people or cargo.
gondola n. (Rail transport, US) A type of open railway car with low sides, used to carry heavy freight such as…
CONDOLEDcondoled v. Simple past tense and past participle of condole.
CONDOLE v. to express sympathetic sorrow; to grieve in sympathy.
CONDOLERcondoler n. A person who condoles.
CONDOLER n. one who condoles.
CONDOLEScondoles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of condole.
CONDOLE v. to express sympathetic sorrow; to grieve in sympathy.
GONDOLASgondolas n. Plural of gondola.
GONDOLA n. (Italian) a long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, used in the canals of Venice, also GONDELAY.
CONDOLENTcondolent adj. Of or pertaining to condolence.
condolent adj. Compassionate.
CONDOLENT adj. expressing sympathy.
CONDOLERScondolers n. Plural of condoler.
CONDOLER n. one who condoles.
CONDOLINGcondoling v. Present participle of condole.
condoling n. Condolence.
condoling adj. Expressing condolence; sympathetic.
GONDOLIERgondolier n. A boatperson who propels a gondola, especially in Venice.
GONDOLIER n. one who operates a gondola.
NONDOLLARnondollar adj. Not of, pertaining to, or measured in dollars (especially American dollars).
NONDOLLAR adj. of a currency, not using the dollar.
CONDOLENCEcondolence n. (Uncountable) Comfort, support or sympathy.
condolence n. (Countable, usually in the plural) An expression of comfort, support, or sympathy offered to the family…
CONDOLENCE n. sympathy with another in sorrow.
GONDOLIERSgondoliers n. Plural of gondolier.
GONDOLIER n. one who operates a gondola.
RONDOLETTOrondoletto n. (Music) A simple rondo.
RONDOLETTO n. a short rondo.
CONDOLATORYcondolatory adj. Offering condolence.
CONDOLATORY adj. serving to condole.
CONDOLEMENTcondolement n. Sorrow.
condolement n. An expression of sorrow or sympathy for somebody else’s bereavement; condolence.
CONDOLEMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of condoling.
CONDOLENCEScondolences n. Plural of condolence.
condolences n. Comfort, support, or sympathy offered especially to the family and friends of somebody who has died.
condolences interj. Expressing sympathy to someone, especially after learning of a close death.
CONDOLINGLYcondolingly adv. In a condoling manner.
condolingly adv. By means of condolence.
CONDOLING adv. CONDOLE, to express sympathetic sorrow; to grieve in sympathy.
RONDOLETTOSrondolettos n. Plural of rondoletto.
RONDOLETTO n. a short rondo.
CONDOLEMENTScondolements n. Plural of condolement.
CONDOLEMENT n. (Shakespeare) the act of condoling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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