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There are 16 words containing ONCEA

CONCEALconceal v. (Transitive) To hide something from view or from public knowledge, to try to keep something secret.
CONCEAL v. to hide.
PONCEAUponceau n. (Chemistry) Any of a number of red pigments, some of which are used as indicators.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
PONCEAU n. a small bridge.
CONCEALSconceals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conceal.
CONCEAL v. to hide.
PONCEAUSponceaus n. Plural of ponceau.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
PONCEAUXponceaux n. Plural of ponceau.
PONCEAU n. (French) a poppy-coloured red dye.
CONCEALEDconcealed v. Simple past tense and past participle of conceal.
CONCEAL v. to hide.
CONCEALERconcealer n. (Countable) Something that, or someone who, conceals.
concealer n. (Countable, uncountable) A cosmetic designed to cover blemishes.
CONCEALER n. one who conceals.
CONCEALERSconcealers n. Plural of concealer.
CONCEALER n. one who conceals.
CONCEALINGconcealing n. Gerund of conceal: an act of concealment.
concealing n. Material, etc., that conceals something.
concealing v. Present participle of conceal.
CONCEALABLEconcealable adj. Able to be concealed.
CONCEALABLE adj. that can be concealed.
CONCEALMENTconcealment n. The practice of keeping secrets.
concealment n. The condition of being hidden or concealed.
concealment n. (Military) protection from observation or surveillance.
UNCONCEALEDunconcealed adj. Open to view; not hidden or concealed.
UNCONCEALED adj. not concealed.
CONCEALINGLYconcealingly adv. In a concealing manner.
CONCEALMENTSconcealments n. Plural of concealment.
CONCEALMENT n. the act of concealing.
UNCONCEALINGunconcealing v. Present participle of unconceal.
unconcealing adj. That does not conceal.
UNCONCEALING adj. not concealing.
UNCONCEALABLEunconcealable adj. That cannot be concealed.
UNCONCEALABLE adj. not concealable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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