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There are 11 words containing ONATA

CAPONATAcaponata n. A Sicilian dish of baked aubergines with capers, olives, pine nuts etc, normally served cold.
CAPONATA n. (Italian) a type of Italian fish salad.
CAPONATAScaponatas n. Plural of caponata.
CAPONATA n. (Italian) a type of Italian fish salad.
DETONATABLEdetonatable adj. (Of an explosive, or ordnance) That can be detonated or is liable to detonate; detonable.
DETONATABLE adj. able to be detonated, also DETONABLE.
DONATARIESdonataries n. Plural of donatary.
DONATARY n. a person who is given crown lands.
DONATARYdonatary n. Alternative form of donatory.
DONATARY n. a person who is given crown lands.
NEONATALneonatal adj. Of or pertaining to the period of time immediately following birth, or to the newborn.
neo-natal adj. Alternative form of neonatal.
NEONATAL adj. pertaining to a newborn child.
NEONATALLYneonatally adv. During the neonatal period.
NEONATAL adv. pertaining to a newborn child.
ODONATAOdonata prop.n. A taxonomic order within the class Insecta – the dragonflies and damselflies.
ODONATA n. insects of an order of predacious insects that includes dragonflies.
POSTNEONATALpostneonatal adj. Describing the period following the neonatal period; typically between a month and a year after birth.
POSTNEONATAL adj. following a new birth.
SONATAsonata n. (Music) A musical composition for one or a few instruments, one of which is frequently a piano, in three…
SONATA n. (Italian) a musical composition, usually of three or more movements, designed chiefly for a solo instrument.
SONATASsonatas n. Plural of sonata.
SONATA n. (Italian) a musical composition, usually of three or more movements, designed chiefly for a solo instrument.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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