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There are 10 words containing OMITO

ENDOMITOSESendomitoses n. Plural of endomitosis.
ENDOMITOSIS n. division of chromosomes not followed by nuclear division that results in an increased number of chromosomes in the cell.
ENDOMITOSISendomitosis n. (Biology) A type of cell cycle variation where mitosis is initiated, but some of the processes of mitosis…
ENDOMITOSIS n. division of chromosomes not followed by nuclear division that results in an increased number of chromosomes in the cell.
ENDOMITOTICendomitotic adj. Relating to endomitosis.
ENDOMITOTIC adj. relating to endomitosis.
VOMITOvomito n. The most virulent form of yellow fever.
vomito n. The black vomit associated with the worst form of yellow fever.
VOMITO n. (Spanish) a form of yellow fever.
VOMITORIAvomitoria n. Plural of vomitorium.
VOMITORIUM n. (Latin) an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORY.
VOMITORIESvomitories n. Plural of vomitory.
VOMITORY n. an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORIUM.
VOMITORIUMvomitorium n. A passage located behind a tier of seats in an amphitheatre used as an exit for the crowds.
vomitorium n. (See Usage notes) An area in which vomiting takes place, in particular a chamber supposedly used by…
VOMITORIUM n. (Latin) an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out, also VOMITORY.
VOMITORYvomitory n. The entrance into a theater or other large public venue, where masses of people are disgorged into the…
vomitory n. (Pharmacology) A substance that induces vomiting; an emetic.
vomitory adj. (Medicine, pharmacology) Inducing vomiting; emetic.
VOMITOSvomitos n. Plural of vomito.
VOMITO n. (Spanish) a form of yellow fever.
VOMITOUSvomitous adj. (US) Characteristic of, or causing one to vomit.
VOMITOUS adj. pertaining to vomiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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