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There are 16 words containing OMERO

ALLOMEROUSallomerous adj. (Chemistry) Characterized by allomerism.
ALLOMEROUS adj. exhibiting allomerism, similarity of crystalline structure in substances of different chemical composition.
ANISOMEROUSanisomerous adj. (Botany) Having the number of floral organs unequal.
ANISOMEROUS adj. with unequal numbers of parts in the floral whorls.
HETEROMEROUSheteromerous adj. (Biology) Having different types or numbers of parts (within the same or similar structure).
HETEROMEROUS adj. unequal or different parts within the same structure.
HOMEOMEROUShomeomerous adj. (Archaic) Alternative form of homoeomerous.
HOMEROOMhomeroom n. (US) A classroom where school pupils of the same age gather for registration, or for other purposes…
homeroom n. (US) The collection of pupils who gather in such a room.
HOMEROOM n. the classroom where pupils gather before class.
HOMEROOMShomerooms n. Plural of homeroom.
HOMEROOM n. the classroom where pupils gather before class.
HOMOEOMEROUShomoeomerous adj. (Biology) Having similar quantities or variations pertaining to parts of structure.
homoeomerous adj. Being the same whether whole or divided into parts.
homœomerous adj. Obsolete form of homoeomerous.
HOMOIOMEROUShomoiomerous adj. Alternative form of homoeomerous.
ISOMEROUSisomerous adj. (Botany) Having the same number of parts.
ISOMEROUS adj. having the same number of parts (esp. in floral whorls).
LYOMEROUSLYOMEROUS adj. relating to the Lyomeri, soft-bodied fishes.
MONOMEROUSmonomerous adj. (Botany) Composed of solitary parts, as a flower with one sepal, one petal, one stamen, and one pistil.
monomerous adj. (Zoology) Having only one joint; said of the foot of certain insects.
MONOMEROUS adj. of flowers, having whorls consisting of only one member.
OLIGOMEROUSoligomerous adj. (Biology) Having only a few members in a particular organ.
OLIGOMEROUS adj. having few parts; having fewer members than the other whorls of a flower.
PLEIOMEROUSpleiomerous adj. (Botany, of a flower) having a greater than normal number of parts.
PLEIOMEROUS adj. of a floral whorl, having more than the normal number of parts.
POMEROYPomeroy prop.n. A surname.
Pomeroy prop.n. A village in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
Pomeroy prop.n. A small city in Calhoun County, Iowa, United States.
POMEROYSPomeroys prop.n. Plural of Pomeroy.
POMEROY n. an old variety of apple, also POMROY.
VOMERONASALvomeronasal adj. (Anatomy) Of, pertaining to, or situated near the vomer bone between the nose and the mouth.
VOMERONASAL adj. relating to the vomer and the nasal cavity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 26 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 39 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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