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There are 9 words containing OMELE

OMELETomelet n. (US spelling) Alternative form of omelette.
OMELET n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELETTE.
OMELETSomelets n. Plural of omelet.
OMELET n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELETTE.
HOMELESShomeless adj. Lacking a permanent place of residence.
HOMELESS adj. without a home.
OMELETTEomelette n. A dish made with beaten eggs cooked in a frying pan without stirring, flipped over to cook on both sides…
omelette n. (Computing) A form of shellcode that searches the address space for multiple small blocks of data ("eggs")…
OMELETTE n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELET.
OMELETTESomelettes n. Plural of omelette.
OMELETTE n. a dish made with beaten eggs, also OMELET.
CHAENOMELESChaenomeles prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rosaceae – the flowering quinces, native to east Asia, often grown…
CHAENOMELES n. a shrub of the Chaenomeles genus of flowering shrubs, such as the japonica and flowering quince.
HOMELESSNESShomelessness n. The state of being homeless.
HOMELESSNESS n. the state of being homeless.
CHAENOMELESESCHAENOMELES n. a shrub of the Chaenomeles genus of flowering shrubs, such as the japonica and flowering quince.
HOMELESSNESSEShomelessnesses n. Plural of homelessness.
HOMELESSNESS n. the state of being homeless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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