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There are 8 words containing OLIDE

BOLIDEbolide n. An extremely bright meteor.
bolide n. Any extraterrestrial body that collides with Earth.
bolide n. A fireball.
BOLIDESbolides n. Plural of bolide.
bolides n. Plural of bolis.
BOLIDE n. a large meteor that bursts; a fireball.
SOLIDERsolider adj. Comparative form of solid: more solid.
solider n. Misspelling of soldier.
SOLID adj. having definite shape and volume.
SOLIDESTsolidest adj. Superlative form of solid: most solid.
SOLID adj. having definite shape and volume.
STOLIDERstolider adj. Comparative form of stolid: more stolid.
STOLID adj. impassive, unemotional.
MACROLIDEmacrolide n. (Organic chemistry) a macrocyclic lactone with a ring of at least ten atoms.
macrolide n. (Medicine) Any of a group of antibiotics having this structure.
MACROLIDE n. any of a class of antibiotics used to treat fungal infections.
STOLIDESTstolidest adj. Superlative form of stolid: most stolid.
STOLID adj. impassive, unemotional.
MACROLIDESmacrolides n. Plural of macrolide.
MACROLIDE n. any of a class of antibiotics used to treat fungal infections.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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