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There are 16 words containing ODITE

PODITEpodite n. (Zoology) A limb of a crustacean when ambulatory.
PODITE n. a walking leg of a crustacean.
PODITESpodites n. Plural of podite.
PODITE n. a walking leg of a crustacean.
PAGODITEpagodite n. (Dated, mineralogy) agalmatolite.
PAGODITE n. a soft, greenish, greyish or yellowish mineral, thought to be a variety of pinite, known particularly for its use by the Chinese for carving.
APHRODITEaphrodite n. (Mineralogy) A soft and earthy mineral of a white or yellowish color, and with a waxy lustre, found…
Aphrodite prop.n. (Greek mythology) The goddess of beauty and love, born when Cronus castrated his father, Uranus, and…
Aphrodite prop.n. A female given name from Ancient Greek.
EXOPODITEexopodite n. (Zoology) The external part of the uropod.
EXOPODITE n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPOD.
PAGODITESPAGODITE n. a soft, greenish, greyish or yellowish mineral, thought to be a variety of pinite, known particularly for its use by the Chinese for carving.
SCORODITEscorodite n. (Mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal mineral containing arsenic, hydrogen, iron, and oxygen.
SCORODITE n. an orthorhombic hydrated arsenate of iron and aluminium.
APHRODITESAPHRODITE n. a kind of butterfly.
ARGYRODITEargyrodite n. (Mineralogy) An uncommon silver germanium sulfide mineral, black with a purplish tinge and metallic lustre.
ARGYRODITE n. a mineral composed of silver, germanium and sulphur.
ENDOPODITEendopodite n. (Biology) The innermost of two processes attached to the basal process of the limbs of some Crustacea.
ENDOPODITE n. the internal or principal branch of the locomotive appendages of Crustacea.
EXOPODITESexopodites n. Plural of exopodite.
EXOPODITE n. the outer branch of a crustacean limb, also EXOPOD.
SCORODITESscorodites n. Plural of scorodite.
SCORODITE n. an orthorhombic hydrated arsenate of iron and aluminium.
ARGYRODITESargyrodites n. Plural of argyrodite.
ARGYRODITE n. a mineral composed of silver, germanium and sulphur.
ENDOPODITESendopodites n. Plural of endopodite.
ENDOPODITE n. the internal or principal branch of the locomotive appendages of Crustacea.
HERMAPHRODITEhermaphrodite n. An individual or organism possessing ambiguous sexual organs, typically including both types of gonads.
hermaphrodite n. A person or thing possessing two opposing qualities.
hermaphrodite n. (Nautical) A hermaphrodite brig.
HERMAPHRODITEShermaphrodites n. Plural of hermaphrodite.
HERMAPHRODITE n. a human being, animal or plant with the organs of both sexes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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