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There are 14 words containing OCONI

CRYOCONITEcryoconite n. (Geology) Dark silt accumulating mainly from airborne volcanic sediment or soot from artificial pollution…
CRYOCONITE n. dust found on the surface of polar ice.
CRYOCONITEScryoconites n. Plural of cryoconite.
CRYOCONITE n. dust found on the surface of polar ice.
HAEMOCONIAhaemoconia n. Small particles of lipids formed by fragmentation of the stroma of erythrocytes. They are ingested by…
HAEMOCONIA n. small colourless granules in the blood, aka blood-dust, also HEMOCONIA.
HAEMOCONIASHAEMOCONIA n. small colourless granules in the blood, aka blood-dust, also HEMOCONIA.
HEMOCONIAhemoconia n. Alternative form of haemoconia.
HEMOCONIA n. the small particles of matter, thought to be particles of the structure of red blood cells, that are present in blood that is flowing around the body, also HAEMOCONIA.
HEMOCONIASHEMOCONIA n. the small particles of matter, thought to be particles of the structure of red blood cells, that are present in blood that is flowing around the body, also HAEMOCONIA.
PNEUMOCONIOSESpneumoconioses n. Plural of pneumoconiosis.
PNEUMOCONIOSIS n. a disease of the lungs caused by the habitual inhalation of irritants (as mineral or metallic particles).
PNEUMOCONIOSISpneumoconiosis n. (Pathology) A disease of the lungs caused by inhalation of particulate matter.
PNEUMOCONIOSIS n. a disease of the lungs caused by the habitual inhalation of irritants (as mineral or metallic particles).
PNEUMOCONIOTICpneumoconiotic adj. (Medicine) Of, relating to, or affected by pneumoconiosis.
PNEUMOCONIOTIC n. a person suffering from pneumoconiosis.
PNEUMOCONIOTICSPNEUMOCONIOTIC n. a person suffering from pneumoconiosis.
PODOCONIOSESPODOCONIOSIS n. endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs.
PODOCONIOSISpodoconiosis n. (Pathology) An endemic form of nonfilarial elephantiasis.
PODOCONIOSIS n. endemic elephantiasis of the lower legs.
PYCNOCONIDIAPYCNOCONIDIUM n. an asexual fungal spore produced in a pycnidium.
PYCNOCONIDIUMPYCNOCONIDIUM n. an asexual fungal spore produced in a pycnidium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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