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There are 8 nine-letter words containing OTRON

COSMOTRONcosmotron n. (Physics) A proton synchrotron.
COSMOTRON n. a large synchrotron used for accelerating protons to high energies.
CRYOTRONScryotrons n. Plural of cryotron.
CRYOTRON n. a tiny form of electronic switch operating in a bath of liquid helium a few degrees above absolute zero.
CYCLOTRONcyclotron n. An early particle accelerator in which charged particles were generated at a central source and accelerated…
CYCLOTRON n. a type of particle accelerator.
KENOTRONSkenotrons n. Plural of kenotron.
KENOTRON n. a type of diode (valve).
MELLOTRONmellotron n. (Music) An early electronic keyboard instrument that played back prerecorded sounds.
MELLOTRON n. (tradename) an electronic keyboard instrument programmed to produce the tape-recorder sounds of orchestral instruments.
MESOTRONSmesotrons n. Plural of mesotron.
MESOTRON n. a former name for the meson, a subatomic particle.
PHYTOTRONphytotron n. (Biology) A laboratory in the form of a greenhouse or similar building in which plants can be grown…
PHYTOTRON n. an apparatus that produces climates artificially for the study of plant growth.
PLIOTRONSpliotrons n. Plural of pliotron.
PLIOTRON n. a type of vacuum tube.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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