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There are 15 nine-letter words containing ORISM

ALGORISMSalgorisms n. Plural of algorism.
ALGORISM n. (Arabic) the Arabic system of numeration.
APHORISMSaphorisms n. Plural of aphorism.
aphorisms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aphorism.
APHORISM n. a concise statement of a truth.
APRIORISMapriorism n. (Philosophy) The idea that some knowledge of the physical world can be derived logically from general principles.
a␣priorism n. Alternative form of apriorism.
APRIORISM n. an a priori principle.
AUTHORISMauthorism n. (Archaic, uncountable) Authorship.
authorism n. (Countable, uncountable) A habit or practice of an author.
AUTHORISM n. authorship.
COLORISMScolorisms n. Plural of colorism.
COLORISM n. coloring, also COLOURISM.
HECTORISMhectorism n. Swagger; bravado.
HECTORISM n. the disposition or the practice of a hector.
HISTORISMhistorism n. (Historiography) An influential 19th-century school of thought in historiography that rejected universalist…
HISTORISM n. the belief that all phenomena are historically determined, also HISTORICISM.
LABORISMSlaborisms n. Plural of laborism.
LABORISM n. a support for workers' rights, also LABOURISM.
MELIORISMmeliorism n. The view or doctrine that the world can be improved through human effort (often understood as an intermediate…
MELIORISM n. the belief that the world tends to become better and that humans can aid its betterment.
METEORISMmeteorism n. A rapid accumulation of gas in the intestine. It is typically a sign of bowel necrosis from bacterial…
METEORISM n. abdominal cramps and swelling due to flatulence.
PELORISMSPELORISM n. abnormal symmetry of structure in flowers normally zygomorphic (e.g. toadflax), also PELORIA, PELORY.
RIGORISMSrigorisms n. Plural of rigorism.
RIGORISM n. rigidity in principle or practice.
TERRORISMterrorism n. (Historical) The system of fear and intimidation put into place during the Reign of Terror in Revolutionary…
terrorism n. The use of unlawful violence against people or property to achieve political objectives.
TERRORISM n. an organized system of violence and intimidation, esp. for political ends.
TUTIORISMtutiorism n. Rigorism.
TUTIORISM n. the doctrine that one should take the safer moral course.
TUTORISMSTUTORISM n. the act of tutoring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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