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There are 13 nine-letter words containing ONICS

GEOPONICSgeoponics n. The science of agriculture.
GEOPONICS n. the study of agriculture.
GLYCONICSGlyconics n. Plural of Glyconic.
GLYCONIC n. a type of verse line consisting of a spondee, a choriamb, and a pyrrhic.
GNOMONICSgnomonics n. The science, art and craft of designing and constructing sundials.
GNOMONICS n. the science of making sundials.
HARMONICSharmonics n. Plural of harmonic.
harmonics n. (Physics, music) The science of musical sounds.
HARMONIC n. a musical tone with a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency.
ISOGONICSisogonics n. Plural of isogonic.
ISOGONIC n. a line indicating the earth's magnetic field, also ISOGONAL, ISOGONE.
MNEMONICSmnemonics n. (Plural only) The study of techniques for remembering anything more easily.
mnemonics n. Plural of mnemonic.
MNEMONIC n. a device to assist the memory.
OPTRONICSoptronics n. Optoelectronics.
OPTRONICS n. the study or use of devices involving the interaction of electronic and light signals.
PHOTONICSphotonics n. (Sciences) The science and technology of generating and controlling photons, particularly in the visible…
PHOTONICS n. the study of the application of photons e.g. in communications technology.
PLATONICSPlatonics n. Plural of Platonic.
Platonics n. The study of Platonic crystals.
Platonics n. The philosophy of Plato; Platonism.
PULMONICSpulmonics n. Plural of pulmonic.
PULMONIC n. a medicine for the lungs.
RADIONICSradionics n. Any of several techniques supposed to detect and modulate "life forces" and to provide healing using…
radionics n. (US, rare, now historical) Electronics, especially in radio technology.
RADIONICS n. diagnosis and treatment at a distance on radiesthetic principles, using hair, nail clippings etc.
SUBTONICSsubtonics n. Plural of subtonic.
SUBTONIC n. the seventh tone of a diatonic scale, immediately below the tonic.
TECTONICStectonics n. (Geology) The study of crustal plates and other large-scale structural features of the Earth.
tectonics n. (Architecture) The science and art of assembling, shaping, or ornamenting materials in construction.
TECTONICS n. the science of structure of objects, buildings and landforms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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