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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing ONTIN

CONTINUAcontinua n. Plural of continuum.
CONTINUUM n. (Latin) a continuous range.
CONTINUEcontinue v. (Transitive) To proceed with (doing an activity); to prolong (an activity).
continue v. (Transitive) To make last; to prolong.
continue v. (Transitive) To retain (someone or something) in a given state, position, etc.
CONTINUOcontinuo n. (Music) Synonym of basso continuo.
continuo n. (Historical) A member of the personal guard of the medieval and early modern Spanish or Portuguese kings.
CONTINUO n. (Italian) the bass part as written for a keyboard instrument.
FONTINASfontinas n. Plural of fontina.
FONTINA n. (Italian) an Italian cheese.
FRONTINGfronting n. (Phonetics, phonology) A process whereby a vowel or a consonant is pronounced farther to the front of…
fronting n. (Phonology) A phonological relationship where a front vowel is found in place of a relative back vowel…
fronting n. (Linguistics) An analogous relationship between the vowel sounds in a dialect of a language relative…
TONTINERtontiner n. Alternative form of tontineer (a member of a tontine).
TONTINER n. the receiver of an annuity.
TONTINEStontines n. Plural of tontine.
TONTINE n. a form of collective life insurance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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