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There are 17 eight-letter words containing OCKIN

BLOCKINGblocking v. Present participle of block.
blocking n. The act by which something is blocked; an obstruction.
blocking n. The precise movement and positioning of actors in order to facilitate a performance (originally planned…
CHOCKINGchocking v. Present participle of chock.
CHOCK v. to secure with a block or wedge.
CLOCKINGclocking v. Present participle of clock.
clocking n. A time measurement made according to a clock.
CLOCKING n. the illegal practice of turning back the mileometer of (a car, etc.), so that it registers a lower figure than the actual mileage.
CROCKINGcrocking v. Present participle of crock.
CROCK v. to break down, disable.
DOCKINGSdockings n. Plural of docking.
Dockings prop.n. Plural of Docking.
DOCKING n. the act of docking.
FLOCKINGflocking v. Present participle of flock.
flocking n. The process of adding small particles to a surface for the sake of texture.
flocking n. A material textured in this way, such as the artificial snow of a Christmas tree.
FROCKINGfrocking v. Present participle of frock.
frocking n. Material for making frocks.
FROCKING n. cloth suitable for frocks.
GROCKINGGROK v. (colloquial) to understand deeply by intuition.
KNOCKINGknocking v. Present participle of knock.
knocking n. An act in which something is knocked on, or the sound thus produced.
knocking n. (Automotive) A repetitive ping, knock, or similar sound coming from an engine in which there are repeated…
LOCKINGSlockings n. Plural of locking.
LOCKING n. the act of locking.
MOCKINGSmockings n. Plural of mocking.
MOCKING n. the act of mocking.
ROCKINGSrockings n. Plural of rocking.
ROCKING n. the act of rocking.
SHOCKINGshocking adj. Inspiring shock; startling.
shocking adj. Unusually obscene or lewd.
shocking adj. (Colloquial) Extremely bad.
SMOCKINGsmocking n. (Sewing) An embroidery technique in which the fabric is gathered and then embroidered with decorative…
smocking v. Present participle of smock.
SMOCKING n. a type of embroidery.
STOCKINGstocking n. A soft garment, usually knit or woven, worn on the foot and lower leg under shoes or other footwear.
stocking n. A broad ring of a different fur colour on the lower part of the leg of a quadruped.
stocking n. A knitted hood of cotton thread which is eventually converted by a special process into an incandescent…
TROCKINGTROCK v. (Scots) to barter, also TROAK, TROKE.
TWOCKINGtwocking v. Present participle of twoc.
TWOCKING n. the offence of taking (a car) without the owner's consent, also TWOCCING.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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