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There are 18 seven-letter words containing OUTER

CLOUTERclouter n. One who clouts or strikes.
clouter n. (Slang) A thief.
clouter n. (Obsolete) One who patches clothes.
COUTERScouters n. Plural of couter.
COUTER n. a piece of armour for the elbow.
DOUTERSdouters n. Plural of douter.
DOUTER n. an extinguisher for candles.
FLOUTERflouter n. A person who flouts.
FLOUTER n. one who flouts; a mocker.
FOUTERSfouters n. Plural of fouter.
FOUTER v. (Scots) to mess around aimlessly, also FOOTRA, FOUTRA, FOUTRE.
GROUTERgrouter n. One who grouts.
GROUTER n. an instrument or tool for grouting a wall etc.
LOUTERYLOUTERY n. loutish behaviour.
MOUTERSMOUTER v. to take mouter for, also MULTURE.
PLOUTERplouter v. (Scotland, Ireland, Northern England, dialect) To splash around in something wet; to dabble.
plouter v. (Scotland, Ireland, Northern England, dialect) To potter.
plouter n. (Scotland, Ireland, Northern England, dialect) The act of ploutering, or splashing about.
POUTERSpouters n. Plural of pouter.
POUTER n. a variety of pigeon that can puff out its crop.
ROUTERSrouters n. Plural of router.
routers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of router.
ROUTER n. a two-handled plane with a cutter projecting below the sole used to form and plane a groove or recess.
SCOUTERscouter n. A stoneworker who removes large projections by boring slanting or transverse holes and using wedges…
Scouter n. A Scout leader.
SCOUTER n. an adult working with instructors etc. in the Scout Association.
SHOUTERshouter n. One who shouts.
shouter n. (Music) A singer with an expressive, loud vocal style seen as reminiscent of shouting.
shouter n. (Music) A song performed in this manner.
SOUTERSsouters n. Plural of souter.
Souters prop.n. Plural of Souter.
SOUTER n. (Scots) a shoemaker; a cobbler, also SOUTAR, SOWTER, SUTOR.
SPOUTERspouter n. Anything that spouts.
spouter n. Someone who rants or talks nonsense at length.
spouter n. A South Sea whale.
STOUTERstouter adj. Comparative form of stout: more stout.
STOUT adj. thick, resolute.
TOUTERStouters n. Plural of touter.
TOUTER n. one who seeks customers, as for an inn, a public conveyance, shops, and the like.
TROUTERtrouter n. (Fishing) An angler who fishes for trout.
TROUTER n. a trout fisherman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 23 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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