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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing OSTOM

ANGIOSTOMOUSANGIOSTOMOUS adj. narrow-mouthed; with a mouth that is not distensible, also ANGIOSTOMATOUS.
CYCLOSTOMATEcyclostomate n. (Zoology) Any member of the Cyclostomata class of fish.
CYCLOSTOMATE adj. of or like a cyclostome.
CYCLOSTOMOUScyclostomous adj. (Zoology) Relating to the cyclostomes.
CYCLOSTOMOUS adj. of or like a cyclostome.
CYSTOSTOMIEScystostomies n. Plural of cystostomy.
CYSTOSTOMY n. the surgical operation of creating an artificial opening from the bladder to the abdomen.
DEUTEROSTOMEdeuterostome n. (Zoology) Any animal, of the subphylum Deuterostomia, in which the initial pore formed during gastrulation…
DEUTEROSTOME n. any of a major division of the animal kingdom that includes the bilaterally symmetrical animals.
ENTEROSTOMALenterostomal adj. Relating to enterostomy.
ENTEROSTOMAL adj. relating to enterostomy.
ETHEOSTOMINEetheostomine adj. (Zoology) Belonging to the fish genus Etheostoma.
ETHEOSTOMINE adj. of or like the Etheostoma, a genus of small American freshwater fishes related to perch.
GNATHOSTOMESgnathostomes n. Plural of gnathostome.
GNATHOSTOME n. any vertebrate of the superclass Gnathostomata, having a mouth with jaws, including all vertebrates except the agnathans.
MICROSTOMOUSMICROSTOMOUS adj. having an unusually small mouth, also MICROSTOMATOUS.
NEPHROSTOMESnephrostomes n. Plural of nephrostome.
NEPHROSTOME n. the funnel-shaped coelomic opening of a typical nephridium.
PHYSOSTOMOUSphysostomous adj. (Zoology) Having a duct to the air bladder.
physostomous adj. (Zoology) Relating to the Physostomi.
PHYSOSTOMOUS adj. of fishes, having a duct connecting the air bladder to part of the alimentary canal.
PLAGIOSTOMESplagiostomes n. Plural of plagiostome.
PLAGIOSTOME n. any fish families of the Plagiostomata or Plagiostomi, the cross-mouthed fishes, sharks and ray.
TELEOSTOMOUSTELEOSTOMOUS adj. belonging to the Teleostomi, fishes with membrane bones in the skull.
THORACOSTOMYthoracostomy n. Incision into the chest wall, with maintenance of the opening for drainage.
THORACOSTOMY n. the construction of an artificial opening in the chest, usually to draw off fluid or release a buildup of air.
TRACHEOSTOMYtracheostomy n. (Surgery) A surgical procedure in which an incision is made into the trachea, through the neck, and…
TRACHEOSTOMY n. a surgical incision into the windpipe, to relieve choking, also TRACHEOTOMY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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