ENDONUCLEASE | • endonuclease n. (Biochemistry) Any enzyme which catalyzes the cleavage of nucleic acids so as to produce variously sized fragments. • ENDONUCLEASE n. an enzyme that cuts a polynucleotide chain internally. |
EXONUCLEASES | • exonucleases n. Plural of exonuclease. • EXONUCLEASE n. an enzyme that breaks down a nucleic acid by removing nucleotides one by one from the end of a chain. |
KINETONUCLEI | • KINETONUCLEUS n. a DNA body located near the base of the flagellum in flagellate protozoa, also KINETOPLAST. |
MACRONUCLEAR | • macronuclear adj. Of or pertaining to a macronucleus. • MACRONUCLEAR adj. of or like a macronucleus. |
MACRONUCLEUS | • macronucleus n. (Biology) The larger of the two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans; it controls the nonreproductive… • MACRONUCLEUS n. a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various nonreproductive functions. |
MICRONUCLEUS | • micronucleus n. (Biology) A small nucleus. • micronucleus n. (Biology) The smaller of the nuclei of a ciliate protozoan (that contains genetic material). • MICRONUCLEUS n. a minute nucleus. |
MONONUCLEARS | • mononuclears n. Plural of mononuclear. • MONONUCLEAR n. a mononuclear cell. |
MONONUCLEATE | • mononucleate adj. (Biology, of a cell) Having a single nucleus. • mononucleate n. A cell that has a single nucleus. • MONONUCLEATE adj. having a single nucleus, also MONONUCLEATED. |
PHOTONUCLEAR | • photonuclear adj. (Physics) Of or relating to any nuclear reaction involving a photon. • PHOTONUCLEAR adj. relating to or caused by the incidence of radiant energy (as gamma rays) on atomic nuclei. |
PRONUCLEUSES | • PRONUCLEUS n. the nucleus of a germ-cell after meiosis and before fertilization. |
RADIONUCLIDE | • radionuclide n. (Physics) a radioactive nuclide. • RADIONUCLIDE n. a radioactive nuclide. |
RIBONUCLEASE | • ribonuclease n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ribonucleic acid. • RIBONUCLEASE n. an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of RNA. |