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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing OMPAN

ACCOMPANIERSaccompaniers n. Plural of accompanier.
ACCOMPANIER n. one who accompanies.
ACCOMPANISTSaccompanists n. Plural of accompanist.
ACCOMPANIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANYIST.
ACCOMPANYINGaccompanying adj. Present together.
accompanying v. Present participle of accompany.
accompanying n. That which accompanies; accompaniment.
ACCOMPANYISTaccompanyist n. Alternative spelling of accompanist.
ACCOMPANYIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANIST.
COMPANIONATEcompanionate adj. (Now historical) Designating a proposed type of marriage (or other partnership) in which the partners…
companionate adj. Friendly, companionable.
companionate adj. Pertaining to a (chiefly romantic) relationship that emphasises companionship and mutual respect.
COMPANIONINGcompanioning v. Present participle of companion.
COMPANION v. to keep someone company.
COMPANIONWAYcompanionway n. (Nautical) a staircase or ladder from one deck to another on a ship.
COMPANIONWAY n. the stairs from upper deck of ship to lower deck.
INTERCOMPANYintercompany adj. Between, or involving, different companies.
INTERCOMPANY adj. between companies.
INTRACOMPANYintracompany adj. Occurring within or between the branches of a company.
INTRACOMPANY adj. occurring within or taking place between branches or employees of a company.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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