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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing OCIAL

ANTISOCIALLYantisocially adv. In an antisocial manner.
ANTISOCIAL adv. averse to the society of others.
DISSOCIALISEdissocialise v. Alternative form of dissocialize.
DISSOCIALISE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALIZE.
DISSOCIALITYDISSOCIALITY n. the state of being dissocial.
DISSOCIALIZEdissocialize v. (Transitive) To render unsocial.
DISSOCIALIZE v. to make unsocial, also DISSOCIALISE.
HETEROSOCIALheterosocial adj. Pertaining to heterosociality, to social interaction with the opposite sex.
HETEROSOCIAL adj. relating to social relations (or preference for such relations) with the opposite sex of the nonsexual nature.
NONSOCIALISTnonsocialist n. One who is not a socialist.
NONSOCIALIST n. one who is not a socialist.
PSYCHOSOCIALpsychosocial adj. (Of behaviour) Having both psychological and social aspects.
PSYCHOSOCIAL adj. involving both psychological and social aspects.
RESOCIALISEDresocialised v. Simple past tense and past participle of resocialise.
RESOCIALISE v. to socialise again, also RESOCIALIZE.
RESOCIALISESresocialises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resocialise.
RESOCIALISE v. to socialise again, also RESOCIALIZE.
RESOCIALIZEDresocialized v. Simple past tense and past participle of resocialize.
RESOCIALIZE v. to socialize again, also RESOCIALISE.
RESOCIALIZESresocializes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of resocialize.
RESOCIALIZE v. to socialize again, also RESOCIALISE.
SOCIALISABLESOCIALISABLE adj. that can be socialised, also SOCIALIZABLE.
SOCIALISINGSSOCIALISING n. the act of being sociable.
SOCIALIZABLEsocializable adj. Capable of being socialized.
SOCIALIZABLE adj. that can be socialized, also SOCIALISABLE.
SOCIALIZINGSSOCIALIZING n. the act of being sociable.
SOCIALNESSESSOCIALNESS n. the state of being social.
UNSOCIALISEDunsocialised adj. Alternative form of unsocialized.
UNSOCIALISED adj. not socialised, also UNSOCIALIZED.
UNSOCIALIZEDunsocialized adj. Not having been socialized.
UNSOCIALIZED adj. not socialized, also UNSOCIALISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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