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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing ORPOR

BICORPORATEbicorporate adj. (Heraldry) Having two bodies.
BICORPORATE adj. double-bodied, as the head of a lion to which two bodies are attached.
CORPORALITYcorporality n. (Obsolete) The state of being or having a body (being corporal/corporeal); bodily existence.
corporality n. (Obsolete) A confraternity; a guild.
CORPORALITY n. the state of being or having a body or a material or physical existence.
CORPORATELYcorporately adv. Acting as a corporate body.
corporately adv. In a corporate way.
CORPORATE adv. legally united into a body so as to act as an individual.
CORPORATIONcorporation n. A body corporate, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent…
corporation n. The municipal governing body of a borough or city.
corporation n. (Historical) In Fascist Italy, a joint association of employers’ and workers’ representatives.
CORPORATISEcorporatise v. Alternative spelling of corporatize.
CORPORATISE v. to make corporate, also CORPORATIZE.
CORPORATISMcorporatism n. The principle or practice of corporate action; (in later use chiefly) specifically, a political ideology…
corporatism n. (Derogatory, possibly nonstandard) The influence or effects of large business corporations.
CORPORATISM n. the policy of control of a country's economy through the combined power of the trade unions, large businesses, etc., also CORPORATIVISM.
CORPORATISTcorporatist adj. Having the principles, doctrine, or system of corporative organization of a political unit, as a city or state.
corporatist n. A proponent of corporatism.
CORPORATIST n. a believer in corporatism.
CORPORATIVEcorporative adj. Pertaining to a corporation; corporate.
corporative adj. Pertaining to corporativism (also called corporatism); based on collective action or responsibility;…
CORPORATIVE adj. of or relating to a corporation.
CORPORATIZEcorporatize v. To transform state assets, government agencies, or municipal organizations into publicly-owned corporations.
corporatize v. To impose corporate values or practices; to commercialize.
CORPORATIZE v. to make corporate, also CORPORATISE.
CORPORATORScorporators n. Plural of corporator.
CORPORATOR n. a member of a corporation, esp. one of the original members.
CORPOREALLYcorporeally adv. In a corporeal manner; bodily; physically.
CORPOREAL adv. relating to the body.
CORPORIFIEDcorporified v. Simple past tense and past participle of corporify.
CORPORIFY v. to embody; to form into a body.
CORPORIFIEScorporifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of corporify.
CORPORIFY v. to embody; to form into a body.
INCORPORALLINCORPORALL adj. (archaic) incorporeal, also INCORPORAL.
INCORPORATEincorporate v. (Transitive) To include (something) as a part.
incorporate v. (Transitive) To mix (something in) as an ingredient; to blend.
incorporate v. (Transitive) To admit as a member of a company.
INCORPOREALincorporeal adj. Having no material form or physical substance.
incorporeal adj. (Law) Relating to an asset that does not have a material form; such as a patent.
INCORPOREAL adj. not corporeal, having no bodily or material structure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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