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There are 18 ten-letter words containing OSTRA

ALTOSTRATIaltostrati n. Plural of altostratus.
ALTOSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
AUTOSTRADAautostrada n. A motorway in Italy (and some other countries).
AUTOSTRADA n. (Italian) a motorway.
AUTOSTRADEautostrade n. A highway in southern Europe.
AUTOSTRADA n. (Italian) a motorway.
BIROSTRATEbirostrate adj. (Rare) Having two beaks (or beak-like structures).
BIROSTRATE adj. double-beaked.
OSTRACEANSostraceans n. Plural of ostracean.
OSTRACEAN n. a member of the oyster family formerly called Ostracea.
OSTRACEOUSostraceous adj. Resembling or characteristic of an oyster.
OSTRACEOUS adj. of or relating to oysters, also OSTRACEAN.
OSTRACISEDostracised v. Simple past tense and past participle of ostracise.
ostracised adj. Alternative spelling of ostracized.
OSTRACISE v. to exclude from a group by common consent, also OSTRACIZE.
OSTRACISERostraciser n. Alternative form of ostracizer.
OSTRACISER n. one who ostracises, also OSTRACIZER.
OSTRACISESostracises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ostracise.
OSTRACISE v. to exclude from a group by common consent, also OSTRACIZE.
OSTRACISMSostracisms n. Plural of ostracism.
OSTRACISM n. expulsion from society.
OSTRACIZEDostracized v. Simple past tense and past participle of ostracize.
ostracized adj. Blackballed. (clarification of this definition is needed)
ostracized adj. Banished by ostracism.
OSTRACIZERostracizer n. One who ostracizes.
OSTRACIZER n. one who ostracises, also OSTRACISER.
OSTRACIZESostracizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ostracize.
OSTRACIZE v. to exclude from a group by common consent, also OSTRACISE.
OSTRACODANOSTRACODAN adj. relating to a class of minute crustacea with bivalve shells.
OSTRACODESostracodes n. Plural of ostracode.
OSTRACODE n. a minute freshwater crustacean with a bivalve carapace, also OSTRACOD.
POSTRACIALpostracial adj. No longer bound by racial divisions.
PROSTRATEDprostrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of prostrate.
PROSTRATE v. to throw forward on the ground.
PROSTRATESprostrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of prostrate.
PROSTRATE v. to throw forward on the ground.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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