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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing OMOLO

COHOMOLOGYcohomology n. (Mathematics) A method of contravariantly associating a family of invariant quotient groups to each…
cohomology n. (Mathematics) A system of quotient groups associated to a topological space.
COHOMOLOGY n. a theory in topology which uses groups to study the properties of topological spaces.
ENTOMOLOGYentomology n. The scientific study of insects, and (informal) of other arthropods (and occasionally other invertebrates).
ENTOMOLOGY n. the study of insects.
HOMOLOGATEhomologate v. (Transitive) To confirm, ratify or approve, especially officially or legally.
HOMOLOGATE v. to sanction, allow esp. officially.
HOMOLOGIEShomologies n. Plural of homology.
HOMOLOGY n. similarity in structure and origin.
HOMOLOGISEhomologise v. Alternative form of homologize.
HOMOLOGISE v. to determine the homologies or structural relations of, also HOMOLOGIZE.
HOMOLOGIZEhomologize v. (Transitive) To make something homologous.
homologize v. (Intransitive) To become homologous.
HOMOLOGIZE v. to determine the homologies or structural relations of, also HOMOLOGISE.
HOMOLOGOUShomologous adj. Showing a degree of correspondence or similarity.
HOMOLOGOUS adj. having the same relative structure, also HOMOLOGICAL.
HOMOLOGUEShomologues n. Plural of homologue.
HOMOLOGUE n. a thing exactly or relatively corresponding in structure.
HOMOLOSINEhomolosine adj. (Cartography) Being or employing a particular pseudocylindrical, equal-area, composite projection used for world maps.
HOMOLOSINE adj. as in homolosine projection, an equal-area projection map of the globe.
NOMOLOGIESnomologies n. Plural of nomology.
NOMOLOGY n. the science of law.
NOMOLOGISTnomologist n. One who studies nomology.
NOMOLOGIST n. a student of nomology, the science of law.
POMOLOGIESpomologies n. Plural of pomology.
POMOLOGY n. the study of fruits.
POMOLOGISTpomologist n. A person involved in pomology.
POMOLOGIST n. one versed in pomology; one who cultivates fruit trees.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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