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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing OMATO

ASTOMATOUSastomatous adj. (Biology) Having no mouth, mouthless.
astomatous adj. (Biology) Without apertures, pores, or stomata.
ASTOMATOUS adj. having no stomata, also ASTOMOUS.
AUTOMATONSautomatons n. Plural of automaton.
AUTOMATON n. (Greek) a machine that imitates the movement of a living creature, activated by a concealed mechanism such as clockwork.
AUTOMATOUSautomatous adj. Obsolete form of automatic.
AUTOMATOUS adj. like an automaton.
CHROMATOIDchromatoid adj. Resembling chromatin.
chromatoid n. (Cytology) The part of a nucleus comprising DNA and proteins where chromosomes are formed.
CHROMATOID adj. relating to chromatin, a protein/DNA complex making the chromosome.
COMATOSELYcomatosely adv. In, or as if in, a coma; in a manner that is sluggish, oblivious, etc.
COMATOSE adv. relating to, or resembling, coma.
GLIOMATOUSgliomatous adj. Affected with, or of the nature of, glioma.
GLIOMATOUS adj. relating to a glioma, a tumour of the neuroglia in the brain.
LIPOMATOUSlipomatous adj. Relating to a lipoma.
LIPOMATOUS adj. of or like a lipoma.
MYXOMATOUSmyxomatous adj. Of or relating to myxomata.
MYXOMATOUS adj. suffering from myxomatosis.
SOMATOLOGYsomatology n. The study of the physical nature of human beings.
SOMATOLOGY n. the science of the properties of matter.
SOMATOTYPEsomatotype n. A particular type of physique; originally, one of the types defined by William Herbert Sheldon: ectomorphic…
somatotype v. (Transitive) To classify (a person) by physical build.
SOMATOTYPE n. a type consisting of a physical build paired with a particular temperament.
STOMATOPODstomatopod n. (Zoology) A member of the Stomatopoda order of marine crustaceans; a mantis shrimp.
STOMATOPOD n. one of the Stomatopoda, marine crustaceans, including the squilla.
STROMATOUSstromatous adj. Stromatic; relating to stroma.
STROMATOUS adj. of or like a stroma, the connective tissue or supporting framework of an organ.
TOMATOIESTtomatoiest adj. Superlative form of tomatoey: most tomatoey.
TOMATOEY adj. resembling the tomato.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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