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There are 20 words containing OURP

FOURPLAYfourplay n. Quad play.
FOURPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet, and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also QUADPLAY.
FOURPLEXfourplex n. Quadplex.
FOURPLEX n. a building having four units, also QUADPLEX.
SOURPUSSsourpuss n. (Informal) A person who is habitually gloomy, sullen or miserable; a grouch. A scowling person.
sour␣puss n. Alternative spelling of sourpuss.
SOURPUSS n. a grouchy person.
FOURPENCEfourpence n. A monetary amount of four pence.
fourpence n. A former British silver coin, worth four pence.
FOURPENCE n. four pre-decimal pennies.
FOURPENNYfourpenny adj. (Dated) Costing fourpence.
fourpenny n. A coin or stamp worth fourpence.
Fourpenny prop.n. A hamlet in Sutherland, Highland council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NH8094).
FOURPLAYSFOURPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet, and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also QUADPLAY.
HOURPLATEhourplate n. The face of a clock, on which the hours are numbered.
HOURPLATE n. a timepiece dial.
POURPOINTpourpoint n. (Historical) A quilted military doublet or gambeson worn in the 14th and 15th centuries.
pourpoint n. (Historical) A doublet of the 16th and 17th centuries worn by civilians.
POURPOINT n. (French) a mediaeval quilted doublet.
FOURPENCESfourpences n. Plural of fourpence.
FOURPENCE n. four pre-decimal pennies.
FOURPLEXESfourplexes n. Plural of fourplex.
FOURPLEX n. a building having four units, also QUADPLEX.
HOURPLATEShourplates n. Plural of hourplate.
HOURPLATE n. a timepiece dial.
POURPARLERpourparler n. A diplomatic consultation, preliminary to a treaty.
POURPARLER n. (French) a discussion prior to negotiation.
POURPOINTSpourpoints n. Plural of pourpoint.
POURPOINT n. (French) a mediaeval quilted doublet.
SOURPUSSESsourpusses n. Plural of sourpuss.
sour␣pusses n. Plural of sour puss.
SOURPUSS n. a grouchy person.
COLOURPOINTcolourpoint n. (Felinology) Any of several forms of Siamese cat and closely-related breeds that have dark tips to the extremities.
COLOURPOINT n. a breed of domestic cat, also COLORPOINT.
FOURPENNIESfourpennies n. Plural of fourpenny.
FOURPENNY n. a coin worth four pence.
GLAMOURPUSSglamourpuss n. (Slang) A glamorous, alluring woman.
GLAMOURPUSS n. a glamorous person, esp. female.
POURPARLERSpourparlers n. Plural of pourparler.
POURPARLER n. (French) a discussion prior to negotiation.
COLOURPOINTScolourpoints n. Plural of colourpoint.
COLOURPOINT n. a breed of domestic cat, also COLORPOINT.
GLAMOURPUSSESglamourpusses n. Plural of glamourpuss.
GLAMOURPUSS n. a glamorous person, esp. female.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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