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There are 12 words containing OTUM

NOTUMnotum n. (Zoology) The back; the dorsal aspect of the thorax in insects.
NOTUM n. (Greek) part of the thorax of an insect.
QUOTUMquotum n. A part or proportion; a fraction; quota.
QUOTUM n. (Latin) a share, also QUOTA.
QUOTUMSquotums n. Plural of quotum.
QUOTUM n. (Latin) a share, also QUOTA.
SCROTUMscrotum n. (Anatomy) The sac of skin and muscle that contains the testicles in most mammals.
SCROTUM n. (Latin) the bag of skin that contains the testes.
TETOTUMtetotum n. Alternative form of teetotum.
TETOTUM n. a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TEETOTUM.
FACTOTUMfactotum n. (Dated) A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities.
factotum n. (Dated) A general servant.
factotum n. An individual employed to do all sorts of duties.
PRONOTUMpronotum n. The dorsal plate of the prothorax in insects.
PRONOTUM n. a hard outer plate of an insect.
SCROTUMSscrotums n. Plural of scrotum.
SCROTUM n. (Latin) the bag of skin that contains the testes.
TEETOTUMteetotum n. (Historical) A toy (spinning top) similar to a dreidel.
teetotum n. (Historical) A working men’s club conducted under religious influences, as an alternative to drinking in the saloon.
TEETOTUM n. (historical) a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TETOTUM.
TETOTUMStetotums n. Plural of tetotum.
TETOTUM n. a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TEETOTUM.
FACTOTUMSfactotums n. Plural of factotum.
FACTOTUM n. (Latin) a person employed to do many kinds of work.
TEETOTUMSteetotums n. Plural of teetotum.
TEETOTUM n. (historical) a child's toy, somewhat resembling a top, and twirled by the fingers, also TETOTUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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