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There are 17 words containing OTRU

FOOTRULEfootrule n. A ruler that measures in feet.
FOOTRULE n. a ruler which is a foot long.
PROTRUDEprotrude v. (Intransitive) To extend from, above or beyond a surface or boundary; to bulge outward; to stick out.
protrude v. (Transitive) To cause to extend from a surface or boundary; to cause to stick out.
protrude v. (Transitive, obsolete) To thrust forward; to drive or force along.
COTRUSTEEcotrustee n. A joint trustee.
COTRUSTEE n. a joint trustee.
FOOTRULESfootrules n. Plural of footrule.
FOOTRULE n. a ruler which is a foot long.
PROTRUDEDprotruded v. Simple past tense and past participle of protrude.
PROTRUDE v. to stick out.
PROTRUDESprotrudes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of protrude.
PROTRUDE v. to stick out.
COTRUSTEEScotrustees n. Plural of cotrustee.
COTRUSTEE n. a joint trustee.
PROTRUDINGprotruding v. Present participle of protrude.
PROTRUDE v. to stick out.
PROTRUSILEprotrusile adj. Capable of being protruded.
PROTRUSILE adj. that can be protruded, also PROTRUDABLE, PROTRUSIBLE.
PROTRUSIONprotrusion n. (Uncountable) The act of protruding.
protrusion n. (Uncountable) The state of being protruded.
protrusion n. (Countable) Anything that protrudes.
PROTRUSIVEprotrusive adj. That protrudes; protruding.
protrusive adj. Rather conspicuous; obtrusive.
PROTRUSIVE adj. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
PROTRUDABLEprotrudable adj. That may be protruded.
PROTRUDABLE adj. that can be protruded, also PROTRUSIBLE, PROTRUSILE.
PROTRUSIBLEprotrusible adj. Capable of being protruded.
PROTRUSIBLE adj. that can be protruded, also PROTRUDABLE, PROTRUSILE.
PROTRUSIONSprotrusions n. Plural of protrusion.
PROTRUSION n. the act of protruding.
PROTRUSIVELYprotrusively adv. In a protrusive manner.
PROTRUSIVE adv. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
PROTRUSIVENESSprotrusiveness n. The quality of protruding, or sticking out.
PROTRUSIVE n. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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