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There are 16 words containing OSON

BOSONboson n. (Physics) A particle with totally symmetric composite quantum states, which exempts them from the Pauli…
boson n. (Obsolete) A boatswain.
BOSON n. any of a certain class of subatomic particles.
BOSONICbosonic adj. (Quantum mechanics) Of, pertaining to, or resembling a boson.
BOSONIC adj. relating to a boson, a kind of subatomic particle.
BOSONSbosons n. Plural of boson.
BOSON n. any of a certain class of subatomic particles.
ELECTROSONDEELECTROSONDE n. a sonde for measuring atmospheric electricity.
ELECTROSONDESELECTROSONDE n. a sonde for measuring atmospheric electricity.
ENDORADIOSONDEendoradiosonde n. A radiopill.
ENDORADIOSONDE n. a miniature battery-powered transmitter designed to be swallowed by the patient to send out information about a bodily function such as digestion.
ENDORADIOSONDESendoradiosondes n. Plural of endoradiosonde.
ENDORADIOSONDE n. a miniature battery-powered transmitter designed to be swallowed by the patient to send out information about a bodily function such as digestion.
IONOSONDEionosonde n. A radar for the examination of the ionosphere.
IONOSONDE n. an instrument for measuring ionization.
IONOSONDESionosondes n. Plural of ionosonde.
IONOSONDE n. an instrument for measuring ionization.
POCOSONpocoson n. Alternative form of pocosin.
POCOSON n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSEN, POCOSIN.
POCOSONSpocosons n. Plural of pocoson.
POCOSON n. (Native American) an upland swamp of the coastal plain of the southeastern US, also POCOSEN, POCOSIN.
RADIOSONDEradiosonde n. A miniature radio carried aloft (e.g. by an uncrewed balloon, an airdrop from a crewed aircraft, or…
RADIOSONDE n. a radio transmitter, borne into and from upper atmosphere by balloon and parachute, sending out information on atmospheric conditions.
RADIOSONDESradiosondes n. Plural of radiosonde.
RADIOSONDE n. a radio transmitter, borne into and from upper atmosphere by balloon and parachute, sending out information on atmospheric conditions.
TRANSPOSONtransposon n. (Genetics) A segment of DNA that can move to a different position within a genome, or to the genome…
TRANSPOSON n. a sequence of DNA capable of moving to different sites in a chromosome.
TRANSPOSONStransposons n. Plural of transposon.
TRANSPOSON n. a sequence of DNA capable of moving to different sites in a chromosome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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