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There are 8 words containing OSGE

PHOSGENEphosgene n. (Inorganic chemistry) carbonyl chloride.
PHOSGENE n. a colorless poison gas made from chlorine and carbon monoxide.
DIOSGENINdiosgenin n. (Organic chemistry) A steroid sapogenin, obtained from certain yams, that has estrogenic activity.
DIOSGENIN n. a crystalline substance obtained from the Mexican yam, used in the preparation of steroid hormones.
PHOSGENESphosgenes n. Plural of phosgene.
PHOSGENE n. a colorless poison gas made from chlorine and carbon monoxide.
DIOSGENINSdiosgenins n. Plural of diosgenin.
DIOSGENIN n. a crystalline substance obtained from the Mexican yam, used in the preparation of steroid hormones.
DIPHOSGENEdiphosgene n. (Organic chemistry) The highly chlorinated ester trichloromethyl chloroformate that is used in organic…
DIPHOSGENE n. a liquid compound used as a poisonous gas.
PHOSGENITEphosgenite n. (Mineralogy) A tetragonal-ditetragonal dipyramidal mineral containing carbon, chlorine, lead, and oxygen.
PHOSGENITE n. a rare fluorescent secondary mineral consisting of lead chlorine carbonate in the form of greyish tetragonal crystals.
DIPHOSGENESDIPHOSGENE n. a liquid compound used as a poisonous gas.
PHOSGENITESPHOSGENITE n. a rare fluorescent secondary mineral consisting of lead chlorine carbonate in the form of greyish tetragonal crystals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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