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There are 11 words containing ONRO

DRAGONROOTdragonroot n. The plant green dragon.
DRAGONROOT n. (US) an araceous plant (genus Arisaema) or its tuberous root, used in medicine.
DRAGONROOTSDRAGONROOT n. (US) an araceous plant (genus Arisaema) or its tuberous root, used in medicine.
MOONROCKmoonrock n. Rock obtained from the Moon.
moon␣rock n. A rock from the surface of the moon, but especially any geological specimen brought back by the Apollo program.
MOONROCK n. rock from the moon's surface.
MOONROCKSmoonrocks n. Plural of moonrock.
moon␣rocks n. Plural of moon rock.
MOONROCK n. rock from the moon's surface.
MOONROOFmoonroof n. (Automotive) A sunroof that has a clear glass panel, rather than being opaque, so that light can enter…
moon␣roof n. Alternative spelling of moonroof.
MOONROOF n. the transport roof of a motor car.
MOONROOFSmoonroofs n. Plural of moonroof.
moon␣roofs n. Plural of moon roof.
MOONROOF n. the transport roof of a motor car.
NONROTATINGnonrotating adj. (Engineering, astrophysics) That does not rotate.
NONROTATING adj. not rotating.
NONROUTINEnonroutine adj. Not routine.
nonroutine n. A task that is not part of the normal routine.
NONROUTINE adj. not routine.
NONROUTINESnonroutines n. Plural of nonroutine.
NONROYALnonroyal adj. Not of royal rank or family.
nonroyal n. One who is not a royal.
non-royal adj. Not royal; not related to or of the nature of a king or queen.
NONROYALSnonroyals n. Plural of nonroyal.
NONROYAL n. one who is not of royal birth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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