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There are 7 words containing OLIM

MOLIMENmolimen n. (Medicine) An effort or impulse toward a certain effect.
MOLIMEN n. (Latin) a great effort, esp. any physical effort made by the body in carrying out a natural function.
MOLIMENSmolimens n. Plural of molimen.
MOLIMEN n. (Latin) a great effort, esp. any physical effort made by the body in carrying out a natural function.
HYPOLIMNIAhypolimnia n. Plural of hypolimnion.
HYPOLIMNION n. a lower and colder layer of water in a lake.
MOLIMINOUSmoliminous adj. (Now rare, archaic) Momentous, weighty.
moliminous adj. (Now rare, archaic) Laborious, involving or exerting great effort; arduous.
MOLIMINOUS adj. massive; laborious.
HYPOLIMNIONhypolimnion n. (Geography) The perpetually cold layer of water that lies beneath the thermocline of a thermally stratified lake.
HYPOLIMNION n. a lower and colder layer of water in a lake.
HYPOLIMNIONSHYPOLIMNION n. a lower and colder layer of water in a lake.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGYpalaeolimnology n. Alternative form of paleolimnology.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGY n. the study of ancient lakes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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