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There are 11 words containing OLDO

SOLDOsoldo n. (Historical) An Italian coin, formerly one-twentieth of a lira.
SOLDO n. (Italian) a former Italian coin, one twentieth of a lira.
FOLDOUTfoldout n. An overlarge page that is folded into a book or magazine.
foldout n. A foldout bed.
foldout adj. That folds out from a closed position.
HOLDOUTholdout n. One who refuses to give consent to an agreement in the hope of an improved offer; one who holds out;…
holdout n. (Card games) A device for cheating at card games by covertly holding a card out of play until it is wanted.
hold␣out v. (Transitive, literally) To hold (something) out; to extend (something) forward.
COOLDOWNcooldown n. (Video games) The minimum length of time that the player needs to wait after using an ability or item…
cooldown n. (Sports) The rest period between sets or workout sessions.
cooldown n. (By extension) Any rest period between sessions of an activity or event.
FOLDOUTSfoldouts n. Plural of foldout.
fold-outs n. Plural of fold-out.
FOLDOUT n. a large page, e.g. a diagram, folded to fit into a book.
HOLDOUTSholdouts n. Plural of holdout.
hold␣outs n. Plural of hold out.
HOLDOUT n. one who delays signing a contract.
HOLDOVERholdover n. Something left behind, saved or remaining from an earlier time.
holdover n. (Firearms) The distance (at target) by which a rifle scope is aimed higher than the intended point of…
hold␣over n. Misspelling of holdover.
COOLDOWNScooldowns n. Plural of cooldown.
COOLDOWN n. a period after exertion to resume normal heartbeat.
CUCKOLDOMcuckoldom n. (Archaic) cuckoldry.
CUCKOLDOM n. the state of being a cuckold, also CUCKOLDRY.
HOLDOVERSholdovers n. Plural of holdover.
HOLDOVER n. something left over.
CUCKOLDOMScuckoldoms n. Plural of cuckoldom.
CUCKOLDOM n. the state of being a cuckold, also CUCKOLDRY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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