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There are 12 words containing OJET

ELECTROJETelectrojet n. An electric current that travels around the E region of the Earth’s ionosphere.
ELECTROJET n. an overhead concentration of electric current found in the region of strong auroral displays.
ELECTROJETSelectrojets n. Plural of electrojet.
ELECTROJET n. an overhead concentration of electric current found in the region of strong auroral displays.
MICROJETmicrojet n. A microscopic jet (of fluid).
MICROJET n. a light jet aircraft.
MICROJETSmicrojets n. Plural of microjet.
MICROJET n. a light jet aircraft.
PROJETprojet n. A plan proposed; a draft of a proposed measure; a project.
PROJET n. (French) a draft of a proposed measure; a project.
PROJETSprojets n. Plural of projet.
PROJET n. (French) a draft of a proposed measure; a project.
PULSOJETpulsojet n. Alternative form of pulsejet.
PULSOJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSEJET.
PULSOJETSpulsojets n. Plural of pulsojet.
PULSOJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSEJET.
RESOJETresojet n. A kind of pulsejet engine.
RESOJET n. a pulsejet.
RESOJETSresojets n. Plural of resojet.
RESOJET n. a pulsejet.
TURBOJETturbojet n. (Aeronautics) A jet engine that develops thrust solely from high-speed exhaust gases expelled from a…
TURBOJET n. a type of jet engine.
TURBOJETSturbojets n. Plural of turbojet.
TURBOJET n. a type of jet engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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