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There are 6 words containing ODUS

CERATODUSCERATODUS n. (Greek) a genus of ganoid fishes, with lungs so well developed that they can leave the water and breathe in air.
CERATODUSESCERATODUS n. (Greek) a genus of ganoid fishes, with lungs so well developed that they can leave the water and breathe in air.
EXODUSexodus n. A sudden departure of a large number of people.
exodus v. To depart from a place in a large group.
Exodus prop.n. The departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
EXODUSESexoduses n. Plural of exodus.
EXODUS n. (Latin) a departure.
MODUSmodus n. (Law, obsolete) The arrangement of, or mode of expressing, the terms of a contract or conveyance.
modus n. (Law) A qualification involving the idea of variation or departure from some general rule or form, in…
modus n. (Law) A fixed compensation or equivalent given instead of payment of tithes in kind, expressed in full…
NODUSnodus n. A difficulty.
nodus n. (Zoology) In the Odonata, a prominent crossvein near the centre of the leading edge of a wing.
NODUS n. (Latin) a knotty point, a difficulty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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