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There are 14 words containing OCKO

CHOCKOchocko n. (Australia, obsolete) Alternative form of choco (“militiaman or conscript; chocolate soldier”).
CHOCKO n. (Australian slang) in World War II, a conscript, also CHOCO.
CHOCKOSchockos n. Plural of chocko.
CHOCKO n. (Australian slang) in World War II, a conscript, also CHOCO.
JOCKOjocko n. (Informal) A lawn jockey.
jocko n. (Archaic) A chimpanzee.
JOCKO n. (Bantu) a chimpanzee.
JOCKOSjockos n. Plural of jocko.
JOCKO n. (Bantu) a chimpanzee.
KNOCKOFFknockoff n. An imitation of something, particularly a well-known product, usually lower in quality and price than the original.
knockoff n. A device in a knitting machine to remove loops from the needles.
knock-off n. Alternative spelling of knockoff.
KNOCKOFFSknockoffs n. Plural of knockoff.
knock-offs n. Plural of knock-off.
knock␣offs n. Plural of knock off.
KNOCKOUTknockout n. The act of making one unconscious, or at least unable to come back on one’s feet within a certain period…
knockout n. The deactivation of anything.
knockout n. (Informal) Something wildly popular, entertaining, or funny.
KNOCKOUTSknockouts n. Plural of knockout.
knock-outs n. Plural of knock-out.
KNOCKOUT n. a blow that induces unconsciousness.
LOCKOUTlockout n. (Labor) The opposite of a strike; a labor disruption where management refuses to allow workers into…
lockout n. The action of installing a lock to keep someone out of an area, such as eviction of a tenant by changing the lock.
lockout n. (By extension) The exclusion of certain people from a place, event, situation, etc.
LOCKOUTSlockouts n. Plural of lockout.
lock-outs n. Plural of lock-out.
lock␣outs n. Plural of lock out.
OCKODOLSOCKODOLS n. (dialect) one's feet when wearing boots.
ROCKOONrockoon n. A rocket, powered by solid fuel, that is not lit while on the ground but first carried into the upper…
ROCKOON n. a small rocket.
ROCKOONSrockoons n. Plural of rockoon.
ROCKOON n. a small rocket.
SOCKOsocko adj. (US, slang) Superb, excellent, stunning.
SOCKO adj. strikingly impressive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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