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There are 15 words containing OCAP

COCAPTAINcocaptain n. A joint captain.
cocaptain v. (Transitive) To serve as joint captain(s) of.
COCAPTAIN n. a joint captain.
COCAPTAINEDcocaptained v. Simple past tense and past participle of cocaptain.
COCAPTAIN v. to captain jointly.
COCAPTAININGcocaptaining v. Present participle of cocaptain.
COCAPTAIN v. to captain jointly.
COCAPTAINScocaptains n. Plural of cocaptain.
COCAPTAIN v. to captain jointly.
MICROCAPmicrocap n. (US, finance) The stock of a public company with a market capitalization of roughly $300 million or less.
MICROCAP adj. of a company, having very small capitalisation.
MICROCAPSULEmicrocapsule n. (Medicine) A very small capsule designed to release its contents when broken (typically, after being swallowed).
MICROCAPSULE n. a tiny capsule containing material (as an adhesive or a medicine) that is released when the capsule is broken.
MICROCAPSULESmicrocapsules n. Plural of microcapsule.
MICROCAPSULE n. a tiny capsule containing material (as an adhesive or a medicine) that is released when the capsule is broken.
MISOCAPNICmisocapnic adj. (Rare) Disliking smoking and tobacco smoke.
MISOCAPNIC adj. hating tobacco smoke.
NEOCAPITALISMneocapitalism n. (Economics) A politico-economic theory that combines capitalism with political policies designed to…
neo-capitalism n. Alternative form of neocapitalism.
NEOCAPITALISM n. a politico-economic theory combining elements of capitalism and socialism.
NEOCAPITALISMSNEOCAPITALISM n. a politico-economic theory combining elements of capitalism and socialism.
NEOCAPITALISTneocapitalist n. An adherent of neocapitalism.
NEOCAPITALIST n. a person who advocates neocapitalism.
NEOCAPITALISTSneocapitalists n. Plural of neocapitalist.
NEOCAPITALIST n. a person who advocates neocapitalism.
NUCLEOCAPSIDnucleocapsid n. (Biology) The core structure of a virus, consisting of nucleic acid surrounded by a coat of protein.
NUCLEOCAPSID n. the nucleic acid and surrounding protein coat in a virus.
NUCLEOCAPSIDSnucleocapsids n. Plural of nucleocapsid.
NUCLEOCAPSID n. the nucleic acid and surrounding protein coat in a virus.
PROCAPITALISTprocapitalist adj. Supporting or in favour of capitalism.
procapitalist n. A supporter of capitalism.
PROCAPITALIST adj. supporting capitalism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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