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There are 15 nine-letter words containing OVIN

APPROVINGapproving adj. Expressing approbation; commending.
approving v. Present participle of approve.
APPROVE v. to regard favourably.
BEHOOVINGbehooving v. Present participle of behoove.
BEHOOVE v. to be fit, right or necessary, also BEHOVE.
COMMOVINGcommoving v. Present participle of commove.
COMMOVE v. to move violently.
IMPROVINGimproving adj. That tends to improve someone or something (especially (dated) to educate or morally better a person).
improving v. Present participle of improve.
IMPROVE v. to make better.
MISMOVINGmismoving v. Present participle of mismove.
MISMOVE v. to move wrongly.
NONLOVINGnonloving adj. Not loving.
NONLOVING adj. not loving.
NONMOVINGnonmoving adj. Not moving; stationary; inert.
NONMOVING adj. not moving.
OUTLOVINGoutloving v. Present participle of outlove.
OUTLOVE v. to surpass in loving.
OUTMOVINGoutmoving v. Present participle of outmove.
OUTMOVE v. to move faster than.
OVIBOVINEovibovine adj. Of or relating to the genus Ovibos.
ovibovine n. A musk ox.
OVIBOVINE adj. of or relating to the ovibos, muskox.
PREMOVINGpremoving v. Present participle of premove.
PREMOVE v. to incite or prompt to action.
PROVINCESprovinces n. Plural of province.
provinces n. The part of a country outside of the capital, major cities, etc., and regarded as being rustic or parochial;…
Provinces prop.n. Plural of Province.
PROVININGprovining v. Present participle of provine.
PROVINE v. to propagate by layering.
REPROVINGreproving v. Present participle of reprove.
reproving adj. Expressing reproof; reproachful or admonishing.
reproving n. The act of giving a reproof.
UNGLOVINGungloving v. Present participle of unglove.
UNGLOVE v. to uncover by removing a glove.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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