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There are 12 nine-letter words containing OVEN

COVENANTScovenants n. Plural of covenant.
covenants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of covenant.
COVENANT v. to enter into a binding agreement.
DISPROVENdisproven v. Alternative irregular form of the past participle of disprove.
disproven adj. Shown to be false.
disproven adj. (Archaic, Scottish law) Not proven, in a legal case where the jury verdict has inconclusive evidence…
HANDWOVENhandwoven adj. Woven by hand, or with a hand-operated loom.
hand-woven adj. Alternative form of handwoven.
HANDWOVEN adj. woven by hand.
NONPROVENnonproven adj. Not proven; unproven.
NONPROVEN adj. not proven.
NONWOVENSnonwovens n. Plural of nonwoven.
NONWOVEN n. a fabric not made by weaving.
NOVENNIALnovennial adj. Of or relating to a 9-year period.
NOVENNIAL adj. recurring every ninth year.
OVENBIRDSovenbirds n. Plural of ovenbird.
OVENBIRD n. an American songbird.
OVENPROOFovenproof adj. (Of a dish) Suitable for use in an oven, without being damaged by the heat.
oven-proof adj. Alternative spelling of ovenproof.
OVENPROOF adj. resistant to the heat of an oven.
OVENWARESovenwares n. Plural of ovenware.
OVENWARE n. heat-resistant baking dishes.
PROVENDERprovender n. (Dated) Food, especially for livestock.
provender v. (Transitive) To feed.
PROVENDER n. dry food for domestic animals, as hay, straw, corn, oats, also PROVAND, PROVEND, PROVIANT.
SOVENANCEsovenance n. (Obsolete) Memory, remembrance.
SOVENANCE n. (archaic) remembrance; memory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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